We are scientists, students, and community members alike with the shared goal of promoting knowledge and research in the field of biological chemistry. The 3500+ members of the ACS Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (BIOL) share the goal of using chemistry to develop a better understanding of biological processes and to harness these processes for the common good.
The ACS Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology strives to promote knowledge and research in the field of biological chemistry and to advance the relations of this discipline to other branches of science. In order to achieve these goals, we provide our members with awards and travel grant opportunities, cutting-edge and multidisciplinary conference programming, access to a worldwide network of thousands of biological chemists, and more. We are always looking for new ways to meet our members’ needs.
As a division, we are constantly growing and continuing to expand our role within the ACS. The ACS Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology is supportive of younger members, whose development is essential to the future of the ACS, and established members alike. If you are a member of The American Chemical Society with interests in biology and biochemistry, then we encourage your participation in the Division’s activities and your input into the role of the Division within the ACS.
Eric Kool, PhD
Stanford University
Tania Lupoli, PhD
New York University
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