
The Division is indebted to the members who have agreed to further its interests by serving as officers or committee members.


Jay Schneekloth


National Cancer Institute

  • The Chair is responsible for the following:

    • Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and carry into effect the decisions and recommendations of that Committee.

    • Preside at meetings of the Division to conduct governance business to appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, all committee chairs and others serving on committees.

    • Carry out the duties required by DBC bylaws and the ACS Governing Documents.

    • Organize the Division Awards banquet/mixer.

    • Nominate Division members for society awards, as appropriate (in consultation with the Immediate Past Chair).

    • Initiate or renegotiate all awards agreements with partner organizations or journals (in consultation with the Treasurer).

    • Present the Division’s annual report to the Division at its annual meeting.

Peter Beal


University of California, Davis

  • The Chair-Elect is responsible for the following:

    • Assist the Chair with the direction and management of the Division.

    • In the absence of the Chair, the duties of the office devolve upon the Chair-Elect.

    • The Chair-Elect will co-chair the Communications Committee.

Jen Heemstra


Washington University in St. Louis

  • The Immediate Past Chair is responsible for the following:

    • Enhance the continuity of division leadership by assisting and advising the Chair during the transition and

    • Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Chair, including but not limited to, service on one or more divisional award selection committees.

    • Serve as Chair of the Awards Committee.

Christian Whitman


University of Texas at Austin

  • The Secretary is responsible for the following:

    • Keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of the division to conduct governance business and of the Executive Committee.

    • Maintain a list of the members and affiliates.

    • Compile the Division’s annual report for the Chair.

    • Preside over meetings in the absence of both the Chair and Chair-Elect.

    • The Secretary is a member of the Communications Committee and will assist in the implementation of publicity activities of that committee.

Barbara Golden


Purdue University

  • The Treasurer is responsible for the following:

    • Oversee the funds of the Division.

    • Keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.

    • Receive dues and make disbursements which have been approved by the Executive Committee.

    • Render an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the Division to the Executive Committee.

    • Submit reports as are required by the ACS Governing Documents.


Jimmy Hougland


Syracuse University

  • The Program Committee has four members, each serving a four-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually. Members of the Program Committee consist of the Program Vice Chair-Elect, Program Vice Chair, Program Chair, and Immediate Past Program Chair, in order of succession.

    The Program Committee is responsible for the selection of technical or scientific papers to be presented at meetings of the Division. The current Program Chair will serve as Chair of the Program Committee and liaison to the officers of the Division. The Program Chair (with input from the committee and division) sets the program for the spring and fall national meetings.

Mark Hedglin


Pennsylvania State University

  • The Nomination Committee shall have three members, each serving a three-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually.

    The member serving their third year on the Nomination Committee will serve as the Chair of the Nomination Committee.

    The nomination committee identifies candidates for open positions and asks them to stand for election.

Sierra Williams


Claremont College

2026 CHAIR (2024-2027)

Ohio State University

Tom Magliery

  • The Program Committee has four members, each serving a four-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually. Members of the Program Committee consist of the Program Vice Chair-Elect, Program Vice Chair, Program Chair, and Immediate Past Program Chair, in order of succession.

    The Program Committee is responsible for the selection of technical or scientific papers to be presented at meetings of the Division.

  • The Program Committee has four members, each serving a four-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually. Members of the Program Committee consist of the Program Vice Chair-Elect, Program Vice Chair, Program Chair, and Immediate Past Program Chair, in order of succession.

    The Program Committee is responsible for the selection of technical or scientific papers to be presented at meetings of the Division.

    The Program Vice Chair-Elect will also serve as a member of the Communications Committee.

Kate Carroll

2024 CHAIR (2022-2025)

The Scripps Research Institute

  • The Program Committee has four members, each serving a four-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually. Members of the Program Committee consist of the Program Vice Chair-Elect, Program Vice Chair, Program Chair, and Immediate Past Program Chair, in order of succession.

    The Program Committee is responsible for the selection of technical or scientific papers to be presented at meetings of the Division.


  • The Nomination Committee shall have three members, each serving a three-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually.

    The member serving their third year on the Nomination Committee will serve as the Chair of the Nomination Committee.

    The nomination committee identifies candidates for open positions and asks them to stand for election.


Michelle Chang


University of California, Berkeley

  • The Division’s Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and reports back to the Division.

Emily Derbyshire


Duke University

  • The Division’s Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and reports back to the Division.

Amanda Hargrove


Duke University

  • The Division’s Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and reports back to the Division.

Igor Dikiy


Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

  • The Division’s Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and reports back to the Division.


Catherine Eichhorn


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • If designated to serve in place of the Councilor(s), the Division’s Alternate Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and report back to the Division.

Amy Weeks


University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • If designated to serve in place of the Councilor(s), the Division’s Alternate Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and report back to the Division.

Donita Brady


University of Pennsylvania

  • If designated to serve in place of the Councilor(s), the Division’s Alternate Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and report back to the Division.

Aaron Smith


University of Maryland, Baltimore County

  • If designated to serve in place of the Councilor(s), the Division’s Alternate Councilor(s) attend meetings of the Council of the Society, represent the Division at these meetings, and report back to the Division.


Cynthia Burrows

MEMBER (2023-2025)

University of Utah

  • The Advisory Committee is comprised of Society and Division members with experience in the field of biological chemistry whose broad knowledge of the Division can be of benefit to the deliberations of the officers and the Executive Committee.

    Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee are as follows:

    • Enhance the continuity of division leadership by assisting and advising the Chair.

    • Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Chair.

    • Serve as members of the Awards Committee.

Deborah Rothman

MEMBER (2023-2025)


  • The Advisory Committee is comprised of Society and Division members with experience in the field of biological chemistry whose broad knowledge of the Division can be of benefit to the deliberations of the officers and the Executive Committee.

    Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee are as follows:

    • Enhance the continuity of division leadership by assisting and advising the Chair.

    • Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Chair.

    • Serve as members of the Awards Committee.

  • The Advisory Committee is comprised of Society and Division members with experience in the field of biological chemistry whose broad knowledge of the Division can be of benefit to the deliberations of the officers and the Executive Committee.

    Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee are as follows:

    • Enhance the continuity of division leadership by assisting and advising the Chair.

    • Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Chair.

    • Serve as members of the Awards Committee.

Regina Stevens-Truss

MEMBER (2025-2027)

Kalamazoo College

  • The Advisory Committee is comprised of Society and Division members with experience in the field of biological chemistry whose broad knowledge of the Division can be of benefit to the deliberations of the officers and the Executive Committee.

    Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee are as follows:

    • Enhance the continuity of division leadership by assisting and advising the Chair.

    • Fulfill other responsibilities assigned by the Chair.

    • Serve as members of the Awards Committee.


Ann Valentine


Temple University

  • The Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG) identifies and selects national meeting themes to promote collaborative, multidisciplinary, Society-wide programming at ACS National Meetings.

    This multidisciplinary programming reflects the nature of the modern scientific enterprise, breaks down barriers to collaboration, and provides opportunities for outreach to nascent and existing communities of scientists who are practicing chemistry.


Xiaoyu Shi


University of California, Irvine

  • The Communications Co-Chair works with the Division’s Chair-Elect to carry out the following responsibilities:

    • Provide overall leadership in developing and implementing the strategic vision for the Communications Committee.

    • Integrate various publicity tools to highlight and promote engagement of early-career members of the DBC and those who might become members of the division.

    • Develop new and innovative ways to promote the value of DBC membership to new and existing members at all career stages.

Jade McDaniel


Vanderbilt University

2027 CHAIR (2025-2028)

Texas A&M University

Wenshe Liu

Erika Taylor


Wesleyan University

  • The Nomination Committee shall have three members, each serving a three-year staggered term, with one new member elected annually.

    The member serving their third year on the Nomination Committee will serve as the Chair of the Nomination Committee.

    The nomination committee identifies candidates for open positions and asks them to stand for election.

Karen Allen

MEMBER (2025-2027)

Boston University

  • The Website Manager of the Division of Biological Chemistry’s website has the following responsibilities:

    • Maintain and improve the website as needed and as directed by members of the Executive Committee and Communications Committee.

    • Draft their own content as needed and envision formatting changes that can increase the utility of and engagement with the website.

Eric Kohn


University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • The Social Media Organizer of the Division of Biological Chemistry has the following responsibilities:

    • Enhance the depth and breadth of the DBC’s presence on social media and work closely with webmaster to synergize content across platforms.

    • Development of new (as appropriate) and maintenance of existing social media accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

    • Develop content (video, infographics, text) and post content provided by others in the division, including publicity of DBC programming at the national and regional meetings, while also spotlighting members to highlight their stories and accomplishments.


Andrea Guedez Pena


UT Southwestern

  • The Awards Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past Chair of the division and includes all four current members of the Advisory Committee, as well as up to four DBC members at large.  Responsibilities of the awards committee include:

    • Administer divisional awards with funding provided by corporate partners or generously endowed by members of the DBC community.

    • Identify more senior scientists with considerable career ACS service experience who would be competitive for recognition as ACS Fellows.

    • Develop a mechanism to ensure that mid-career and senior scientists from historically underrepresented groups in chemistry to become candidates for DBC awards.

    • Develop plans to initiate other divisional awards programs, particularly targeting those earlier career members of our division who will become the next generation of the academic/industrial leaders in biochemistry and chemical biology.

    • Explore the possibility of “upgrading” one of more of our divisional awards to National Award status to increase the number of national awards for which our members are eligible.

Regina Stevens-Truss


Kalamazoo College

  • The Awards Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past Chair of the division and includes all four current members of the Advisory Committee, as well as up to four DBC members at large.  Responsibilities of the awards committee include:

    • Administer divisional awards with funding provided by corporate partners or generously endowed by members of the DBC community.

    • Identify more senior scientists with considerable career ACS service experience who would be competitive for recognition as ACS Fellows.

    • Develop a mechanism to ensure that mid-career and senior scientists from historically underrepresented groups in chemistry to become candidates for DBC awards.

    • Develop plans to initiate other divisional awards programs, particularly targeting those earlier career members of our division who will become the next generation of the academic/industrial leaders in biochemistry and chemical biology.

    • Explore the possibility of “upgrading” one of more of our divisional awards to National Award status to increase the number of national awards for which our members are eligible.

Interested in joining us?

Our leadership team and officers are elected by the Division’s members through annual elections held in the fall. The length of each term varies depending on the position. If you would like more information about specific roles or are interested in serving on the leadership team, please reach out to a member of the Nominations Committee.