Propose a BIOL Symposium
Do you have an idea for a BIOL Symposium?
The Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology seeks symposium proposals that address specific topics relevant to the field of Biological Chemistry. A symposium is a chance to have 4-6 speakers for a half day in an area of interest to BIOL. Typically the organizer speaks and then invites 3-5 other speakers.
Interested? Here’s what you need to know: (click to expand)
The due dates are March 1 and August 1. The March deadline is for the National Meeting held the following Spring and the August deadline is for the following Fall meeting.
For example, applications for the Spring 2023 meeting are due March 1, 2022 and applications for the Fall 2023 meeting are due August 1, 2022.
Proposals are limited to one page (11 point font, 0.5 inch margins) and must contain the following:
The names of the current Division Chair and Program Chair
ACS and BIOL membership information
The meeting where the proposed symposium will be held
A brief description of the proposed symposium
A list of potential speakers and alternates
Ideas for possible funding sources
Diversity Statement (See second page of template, not included in the page limit)
Proposals seeking an entire day (morning and afternoon) should provide an additional justification for this that can be up to a half page in length (beyond the one page allowed above). However, such proposals are particularly difficult to arrange given the limited number of symposia slots available.
Ready to get started?
Send proposals and additional justification (if necessary) as a single pdf file to the current Division Chair and Program Chair via email.
Contact Information
Jay Schneekloth
Division Chair ‘25
National Cancer Institute
Jimmy Hougland
Program Committee Chair ‘25
Syracuse University