Awards At A Glance
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Division of Biological Chemistry Awards
The Division of Biological Chemistry, often in collaboration with industry partners, administers a number of awards, while also providing financial assistance for our members in the early stages of their career to attend both ACS National Meetings and non-ACS meetings of interest to members of our division.
ACS Publications Young Investigator Awards
ACS Publications Young Investigator awards recognize promising young investigators who have made significant and outstanding contributions to research in their respective fields. These awards are reserved for researchers who are at an early stage in their career.
ACS Publications Lectureships
ACS Publications Lectureships recognize investigators, a mix of early career and established scientists, who have made significant contributions to research in their fields. These awards are jointly administered by the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry and their respective ACS Publications journal.
Other Journal Awards
Journal awards recognize investigators with outstanding accomplishments to research in biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, biophysics, chemical biology or other division-related fields. These awards are jointly administered by the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry and their respective journals.
Relevant National Awards
The ACS National Awards program is designed to encourage the advancement of chemistry in all its branches, to support research in chemical science and in industry, and to promote the careers of chemists. Here we highlight national awards which may be relevant to DBC members.
Student Travel Awards
The Division of Biological Chemistry offers travel awards on a competitive basis for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to attend and present a poster or oral presentation on their research. These travel awards support the participation of students at ACS and other related conferences.