DBC Undergraduate Award in Biochemistry or Chemical Biology


PURPOSE: The DBC Undergraduate Award in Biochemistry or Chemical Biology is intended to recognize a graduating senior who displays a significant aptitude for biochemistry or chemical biology and to encourage further interest in the field. The award is administered by the Division of Biological Chemistry (DBC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

  • The award consists of a certificate signed by the division chair, a commemorative pin, and a letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry. Awardees who are members of the American Chemical Society will also receive a 1 year (September to August) membership in the Division of Biological Chemistry; those who are not will receive Affiliate status, which grants them all of the benefits of membership in the division with the exception of voting, serving on committees, and eligibility for certain awards.

  • 2024 is the inaugural year for this award!

  • Departments of Chemistry or Biochemistry that offer ACS-approved Bachelor’s degree programs are invited to select a top graduating senior student majoring in biochemistry or chemical biology for receipt of this award.

    This individual will have demonstrated excellence in a combination of coursework, research, service to the program, and a desire to pursue a career in biochemistry or chemical biology.

    We encourage departments to consider student’s trajectory through their program as it pertains to race, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender identification, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities, as the Division of Biological Chemistry shares ACS’ core value of diversity, equity, inclusion and respect.

    The method of selection is left to the nominating department based on the criteria outlined above.

    The student selected must be enrolled at your institution for the 2023–2024 academic year.

    We suggest that you recognize your award recipient(s) during your institutions’ senior award ceremony.

  • Nominations for 2024 awards are now closed. Recipients will be selected and an award packet will be mailed to the you or an individual you designate by April 1, 2024.

  • David Giedroc
    Immediate Past Chair &
    Chair of the Awards Committee ‘24
    Indiana University