Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry

PURPOSE: The Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry was established to stimulate fundamental research in biological chemistry by scientists within 10 years of their last postdoctoral training. The Award is administered by the Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (BIOL) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and sponsored by Eli Lilly.

  • The award consists of a bronze medal and honorarium.

  • The award was established in 1934.

  • Nominees shall have accomplished outstanding research in biological chemistry of unusual merit and independence of thought and originality.

    No more than 10 years shall have passed since the nominee completed his/her last period of postdoctoral training by April 1, 2024 and he/she shall be actively engaged in the line of research for which the award is made.

    It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that the candidate meets this timeline, and the nominating letter must state this.

    This prize cannot be made to a person who received another award sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company for the same technical accomplishment.

  • The nomination submission should contain the following:

    • The nomination letter explaining his/her special achievements

    • Additional letter of support for the candidate are desirable, but not required

    • The candidate’s CV with a list of publications

    These items should be submitted as a single PDF file via email to the current Division Secretary, listed below.

    Please name the PDF file with the candidate’s name (e.g. NomineeName-Eli Lilly.pdf).

  • 2025: Brian Liu, Harvard University

    2024: Joseph Cotruvo, Jr., Penn State University

    2023: Polly Fordyce, Stanford University

    2022: Lingyin Li, Stanford University

    A list of earlier recipients (1935-2021) can be found below.

    Past Recipients

  • Christian Whitman
    Division Secretary ‘25
    University of Texas at Austin