Call For Nominations: ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Awards

The BIOL leadership has (for many years) been aware of the very severe age restrictions on nominees for the Lilly and Pfizer awards. We are therefore pleased to announce that, after consultation with representatives of both companies, these requirements have been changed to reflect the very different career paths followed in the 21st century. We hope that many early-career investigators who thought they were ineligible will now be able to put together nomination packets for these awards. Please note that all the other nomination requirements remain unchanged from previous years.

Eli Lilly Award: Nominees are now eligible for the 2016 award if it has been less than 10 years since they completed their last period of post-doctoral training on April 1, 2016.

Pfizer Award: Nominees are now eligible for the 2016 award if it has been less than 12 years since they completed their last period of post-doctoral training on April 1, 2016.

Given the late hour of this message (profound apologies) we are also announcing that for this year only nomination packets may be submitted to the Secretary (Nigel Richards) at the address given on the website with a revised deadline of June 30, 2015.

For more information, see the Nominations Page.


ACS BIOL Advisory Council Survey


Winter 2014 Newsletter Posted