Apply for DBC Student Travel Awards by May 15!

Student Travel Awards for Fall ACS 2024 are due by May 15, 2024!

The ACS Division of Biological Chemistry offers travel awards on a competitive basis for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to attend each national meeting and present a poster or oral presentation on their research. Selected awardees will be reimbursed up to
$600 for travel and registration expenses.

To be eligible for an ACS travel award, students must meet the following stipulations:

  • No more than two awards will be made to one laboratory for a single ACS meeting

  • No individual can win more than one division travel award (during their lifetime)

  • Applicants must be members of ACS and the BIOL Division

  • Applicants must be presenting in an oral or poster session in the BIOL Division program

  • Awardees are ineligible for additional reimbursement from the division for the same presentation that is directly covered by the travel award

More information and a link to the award application can be found here.


Make a Nomination for the ACS Chemical Biology Young Investigator Award by July 1!


Make a Nomination for the 2025 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry