ACS Technical Divisions

Join any of the 32 Technical Divisions to stay current with new developments in your area of specialization. 

 Agricultural & Food Chemistry (AGFD)
Enhances quality of life by safe, nutritious and sustainable food and agricultural supplies.  Brings together persons interested in the chemistry of agricultural and food products to foster programs in flavor, functional foods & natural products, biotechnology, nutrition, and food safety.

Agrochemicals (AGRO)
Brings together a worldwide community of scientists and stakeholders to advance knowledge and promote innovative solutions for the protection of agricultural productivity, public health, and the environment.

Analytical Chemistry (ANYL)
Presents programs and papers, cooperates with local sections and regional groups, organizes and sponsors symposia, develops activities, and establishes means to increase the professional status of and the contracts between analytical chemists.

Biochemical Technology (BIOT)
Promotes the exchange of information among academic, industrial and governmental researchers in life sciences and engineering to advance science and develop products and services to enhance quality of life.

Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (BIOL)
Promotes knowledge and research in the field of biological chemistry and advances the relations of this discipline to other branches of science.

Business Development & Management (BMGT)
Leads and fosters the community involved in management and business development aspects of the chemistry enterprise.

Carbohydrate Chemistry & Chemical Glycobiology (CARB)
Stimulates interest, encourages research, and diffuses information in all that pertains to the chemistry and technology of sugars and other carbohydrates.

Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL)
Offers programming to bridge the gap between the more fundamental aspects of catalysis, such as surface science and computational modeling, and applied catalytic reaction engineering.

Cellulose and Renewable Materials (CELL)
Leads and supports innovation in cellulose & renewable materials by providing a forum for members to excel in the chemical sciences and technology.

Chemical Education (CHED)
Engages its global network of members by communicating, promoting and effectively identifying opportunities and resources responsive to the spectrum of chemistry teaching and learning environments.

Chemical Health & Safety (CHAS)
The Division of Chemical Health and Safety works to improve people's lives through best chemical health and safety culture practices and by providing authoritative technical resources and mentorship in chemical health and safety for all.

Chemical Information (CINF)
Fosters the sharing of expertise in cheminformatics, information technology, and librarianship to ensure members benefit from the experience of others and are able to improve the dissemination and utilization of scientific information.

Chemical Toxicology (TOXI)
Engages members for the presentation and discussion of research and opportunities in chemical toxicology.

Chemistry & the Law (CHAL)
Focused on educating others, creating programs, and running initiatives about issues that arise at the intersection of chemistry and the law.

Colloid & Surface Chemistry (COLL)
Promotes discovery, scholarship, and innovation in colloid, surface, interface, and nanomaterials chemistry as pursued by a global and multidisciplinary scientific community

Computers in Chemistry (COMP)
Develops and applies computational and informatics methods for chemical, biological and materials sciences. We foster a sense of community through outreach and mentoring with academic, governmental and industrial leaders.  We provide our membership exceptional programming and recognize scientific excellence.

Energy & Fuels (ENFL)
Promotes and advances energy-related research, development, and education to address the world’s energy related challenges using knowledge from cross cutting sectors in academia, government and industry.

Environmental Chemistry (ENVR)
Offers programming and other opportunities for community engagement to advance environmental research, development, technology, and education in applying chemistry to understanding and solving environmental and sustainability issues and challenges.

Fluorine Chemistry (FLUO)
Encourages interest in fluorine chemistry by presenting tutorials and symposia, organizing technical meetings, and sponsoring research scholarships.

Geochemistry (GEOC)
Encourages the highest standards of excellence in developing and applying chemistry and related sciences as they pertain to the understanding and exploration of the Earth's geosphere and that of extraterrestrial bodies.

History of Chemistry (HIST)
Seeks to advance knowledge and appreciation of the history of chemical practices among chemists, students, historians of science, and the broader public through the promotion of publications, the organization of symposia, and the recognition of leaders in the field.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC)
Chemistry that works. The mission of the Division is to responsibly advance the chemistry of science and engineering by providing a multidisciplinary forum to empower its practitioners.

Inorganic Chemistry (DIC)
Foster and serve a diverse community of practitioners of inorganic chemistry by promoting and celebrating excellence and forward-thinking initiatives in education, research, and development across the breath of Inorganic Chemistry.

Medicinal Chemistry (MEDI)
Promotes research into the discovery and development of new substances to treat human diseases and to study drug mechanisms. Through its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications promotes and encourages broad understanding of chemistry’s fundamental role in medicine.

Nuclear Chemistry & Technology (NUCL)
The division provides opportunities for education, networking, and outreach to advance the fields of nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, and related nuclear science technologies through its diverse and interdisciplinary programming.

Organic Chemistry (ORGN)
Fosters and promotes advancements in the field of organic chemistry by nurturing young chemists, fostering professional development, recognizing excellence and communicating cutting edge science.

Physical Chemistry (PHYS)
Promotes the research and intellectual exchange in physical chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, through which we understand chemistry. The Division spans the fields of spectroscopy, nanomaterials, biophysics, dynamics, electronic structure, microscopy, quantum dynamics, materials design, energy, astrochemistry and thermodynamics.

Polymer Chemistry (POLY)
Advances the broader polymer enterprise to meet the global challenges of the 21st century.

Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering (PMSE)
Promote interest in, and the understanding of, applied polymer science through regular meetings, publications, professional contacts, and discussions.

Professional Relations (PROF)
Devoted to meeting the needs of professional chemists and chemical engineers; focuses on the professional by providing programs, products and services to enhance the economic and professional status of members.

Rubber (RUBB)
Enhances science, technology and business across the evolving elastomeric community through working to expand the elastomeric profession and individual development through educational, technical, and interactive activities.

Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB)
Helps chemists working in small enterprises, including self-employed, with the legal, social, educational, legislative, regulatory, and economic aspects of their unique professional status.


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