Reminder about 241st ACS Travel Awards

Travel Awards to Attend the ACS 241st National Meeting in Anaheim, March 27-31, 2011

The Division of Biological Chemistry will offer travel awards on a competitive basis for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to attend the meeting and present a poster on their research.

The selected travel awardees will be reimbursed up to $500 for expenses. Receipts must be submitted along with a request for reimbursement after the meeting. No more than two awards will be made to any laboratory.

To apply for a Travel Award

  1. Fill in the Travel Award Application from the DBC Website.

  2. Attach a printed copy of your abstract.

  3. Attach a one page CV.

  4. Attach a signed letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor.

  5. Send ONE COMPLETE PDF FILE of this material as single EMAIL attachment to the Program Chair, J. Martin Bollinger at:

  6. Be sure to use a subject line of "ACS Travel Awards" for your electronic application.

The deadline for submission of an application for a travel award is January 15, 2011.


Presentations from 22nd Winter EMC highlighted in C&E News


Fall 2010 Message from John Blanchard (Past Chair)