Call for Nominations, ACS Chemical Biology Lectureship

The ACS Chemical Biology Lectureship award is presented annually to honor an individual whose scientific contributions have had major impact in the field of Chemical Biology.

The 2011 winner was Prof. Stuart Schreiber.

To be selected for this award, a candidate must be nominated by his or her peers. We are currently seeking nominations for next year’s award.

The nomination package should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a letter explaining the nominee’s special achievements in chemical biology, and a minimum of two additional letters of support. All materials should be sent as a single PDF file directly to Jitesh Soares ( via email by July 29th, 2011.

Upon receipt, the nomination will be reviewed by a selection committee whose members are jointly chosen by the Editor-in-Chief of ACS Chemical Biology, Prof. Laura Kiessling, and the Chair of the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry (JoAnne Stubbe).

More details concerning eligibility for this award can be found on the Division of Biological chemistry web site.

The lectureship award will be presented at the 243rd ACS National Meeting held March 25-29, 2012, San Diego, California and will be administered by the Editor-in-Chief of ACS Chemical Biology and the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry. A symposium of invited speakers honoring the successful candidate will precede a short award presentation and the award lecture. The prize also includes a monetary sum, a plaque, and travel expenses to the meeting.


2012 Division of Biological Chemistry Awards Announced


Call for Nominations -- 2012 Gordon Hammes ACS Biochemistry Lectureship