Call for Nominations: 2013 ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Awards

Nominations are requested for the 2013 Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry, the Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry, and the Repligen Corporation Award in Chemistry of Biological Processes.

Deadline: June 15, 2012 

Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry Nominees shall have accomplished outstanding research in biological chemistry of unusual merit and independence of thought and originality. Nominee shall not have passed the 38th birthday by April 30, 2013, and shall be actively engaged in the line of research for which the award is made. This prize cannot be made to a person who received another award sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company for the same technical accomplishment.

Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry Nominees shall have accomplished outstanding work in enzyme chemistry where the presence of enzyme action is unequivocally demonstrated. The nominee shall be engaged in noncommercial work and shall not have passed the 40th birthday by April 30, 2013. This prize cannot be made to a person who received another award sponsored by Pfizer, Inc., for the same technical accomplishment.

Repligen Corporation Award in Chemistry of Biological Processes Nominees shall have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the chemistry of biological processes with particular emphasis on structure, function and mechanism. There are no restrictions on age or membership affiliation for the Repligen Award.

Submission of Formal Nominations: If you know of a deserving candidate for the Lilly, Pfizer or Repligen awards, please submit the candidate's curriculum vitae with a list of publications and a letter explaining his/her special achievements (as a PDF) to our nominations committee through DBC Secretary, Nigel Richards, at the address given below. Additional letters of support for the candidate are desirable. All materials should be sent via email as a PDF attachment to: Nigel Richards ACS-DBC Secretary


Request for Nominations of the New Orleans Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecturer


Fall 2012 ACS National Meeting Program Published