Request for Nominations of the New Orleans Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecturer

The Kavli Foundation has agreed to sponsor a second lecture series at future ACS national meetings for the period 2013 – 2015, titled The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture.

This new lecture series is in addition to the existing lecture series, The Kavli Foundation Innovations in Chemistry Lecture, which has been presented at the national meetings since Spring 2011 in Anaheim.

Details are below. Please send your nominations to

Deadline: September 28, 2012 

Nominating Criteria

  • The nominee does not need to be a division member or a member of the ACS.

  • The nominee may be from academia, industry, government, or business.

  • The nominee must be a person who is 40 years of age or less.

  • The nominee cannot be more than 10 years removed from earning his or her Ph.D. when nominated.

  • The nominee must be a distinguished younger scientist who is highly regarded by his or her peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry or related multidisciplinary area of chemistry.

  • The nominee must be solicited and nominated through the ACS Technical Divisions.

Supporting Information for a Nomination

The nomination form includes:

  • Contact information of the nominee.

  • Affiliation (university, company, or agency) of the nominee.

  • Year nominee received the Ph.D.

  • Current age of the nominee.

  • List of three seminal publications or accomplishments of the nominee.

  • Proposed title and topic scope of the lecture.

  • A nomination letter supporting why the nominee should receive the award.

  • The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the nominee.

Nominating and Evaluating Procedures

  • All nominations must be submitted by the Division:

    • The Division issues a call for nominations to the division members who send the nominations to the Division for consideration using the attached Instructions and Cover Sheet.

    • The Secretary or acting Secretary submits the Nomination Form and supporting documents to

  • Nominations are for the spring national meeting in New Orleans. The call for nominations for the fall national meeting in Indianapolis will be issued in January, 2013.

  • Each Division has a maximum of two (2) nominations.

  • Nominations are open from September 5 – September 30, 2012. Nominations after that date will not be accepted.

  • A subcommittee of MPPG including the MPPG Chair, the Thematic Program Chairs for 2013, and Chair appointees will review all submitted nominations from October 1 – October 31, 2012.

  • The Kavli Emerging Leader Lecturers for both the 2013 spring and fall meetings will be announced by MPPG on November 1, 2012.

  • The Kavli Emerging Leader must attend the national meeting for which he/she was awarded to present a 40 minute lecture on the second day of each meeting (Monday), immediately preceding the Kavli Foundation Innovations in Chemistry Lecture.

  • Each Kavli Emerging Leader Lecturer will receive $5,000 for travel expenses and honorarium.

  • ACS is very pleased to have the opportunity to conduct a second lecture series sponsored by The Kavli Foundation and to have the opportunity to directly involve the ACS Technical Divisions in nominating the candidates for this award.


2013 Division of Biological Chemistry Awardees Announced


Call for Nominations: 2013 ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Awards